Garden Landscaping & Paving Application

for the Common Property area surrounding the Unit


Press CTRL and F5 (Full Refresh) if the Unit Number Input box does not appear.
Unit number must be between 1 & 86
Unit number must be between 101 & 154

A printable copy of your application will be emailed to you when this form is submitted.

Max 2.5MB
Max 2.5MB
Max 2.5MB

Landscaping Terms & Conditions

1. Application for garden landscaping is to be made in writing and the application must include a sketch of the garden and proposed positioning of plants.
2. Majority of plants must be Indigenous and specified on your sketch.
3. Proposed trellis work also needs to be detailed and plotted on the sketch.
4. Garden Sheds are not allowed.
5. Landscaping cannot commence until the application has been approved.
6. Should Residents have soil, grass or rocks that need to be removed first phone Reception to see if we can use any of it. The responsibility of removing what we don’t use is still for the owner to remove.
7. Landscaped areas/items are to be maintained by the Owner/Resident, and should they later choose not to continue with their garden, it must be returned to a condition acceptable to the Trustees for subsequent maintenance by Body Corporate staff.

Paving Alteration Conditions

1. The Applications will be evaluated based on the aesthetic appearance and safety aspect.
2. All pavers that are removed belong to the Body Corporate and must be delivered to the service area.
3. Contact the garden committee regarding grass removed from the area to be paved.
4. Colour to match existing paving.

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