Domestic/Gardener/Carer Registration Form

All private employess must be registered at the Office for Access control purposes


A printable copy of your application will be emailed to you when this form is submitted.

Employee Details

Terms & Conditions

1. By submitting this form the Resident permits the Body Corporate to give the above worker fingerprint access to the Village.
a. Domestic and Garden Workers access is 7 days/week between 6am and 6pm.
b. Carers access is 7 days/week 24 hours/day.
2. Every resident employing a worker must submit an application, regardless of whether or not the employee also works for other residents.
3. A separate application must be submitted for each employee.
4. It is the Resident’s duty to notify the Office or a Trustee immediately a worker’s employment is terminated. THIS IS CRITICAL FOR SECURITY REASONS.

(Click "Yes" to enable "Submit" Button)